What a shocking time! DMBC think that they can let a child who is already on the At Risk Register for neglect be subjected to more neglect. Not just neglect from the carer but from the Social Worker too. The DMBC SS must have their diplomas made from rice paper (the type you eat as a child). I wouldnt even wipe my backside on their diplomas. Most of the ‘Qualified Social Workers’ only have 100 days experience and a very high percentage do NOT have children of their own. I have had my eyes opened to a small extent of what the whole of the UK SS are like. I have seen children stolen for lies, children beaten in care, children being neglected in all possible ways of neglect. How many more children need to die before the SS pull their fingers out of their arses and realise that they are not helping to save families but to kill them!

I spoke to my daughters SW on friday at 8am (yes she acctually returned my call – only to give me grief as id left er a message late at night as i was concerned about my daughter). After giving a full explaination to the SW she called me back after a few hours and said she would visit my daughter at her school. I constantly called in the afternoon waiting for an outcome as my daughter is subject to a child protection plan while on the AR reg. (I am fighting for her to come home safe). The SW never answered her calls neither did she ring me back or leave an update in the office for me. I was told on Friday pm to call back monday morning. It would have been the longest weekend possible but im pissed off with them so its gonna be longer!

I got banned from seeing my daughter for the weekend as the carer was not happy with the aligations but they needed to be made aware of what was happening. The SW also told me they are starting legal planning on monday. I should have recieved a letter by now but havent. This is due to doncaster SS are manipulative little bastards who believe that since i will not be recieving the letter that i can not be legally represented. There is one thing that I have learnt in the last year or so of fighting the SS. This is: you can be your own legal rep as long as you have the knowledge. I will be calling the SS back on monday and asking wtf they are playing at not sending the letter! I will also be asking for all futher correspondence to be sent via recorded delivery.

Last weekend my daughter told me her carer was clearing out the spare room for when my baby is born. She can go get fucked! i will fight all the way to keep my unborn baby. SS will not be removing her and neither will my daughters carer!

to Don’crap’ster SS and to the carer I dedicate Lily Allens song of ‘Fuck you!’ and i sit singing Gabrialla Cilme’s Woman on a mission, changing the lyrics to mummy on a mission!


‘cos i am a mummy on a mission whoa!!! :D)