Yesterday a core group meeting was conveyed at my daughters primary school. She is 6 years old and on the child protection register. I spent all weekend with doctors and paediatricians to deal with bruises that she had assertained while in the care of her carer. The Social Worker had told me that if there were any more bruises that I had to take her to a doctor for a medical opinion. This was around the beginning of February 2010. She, my daughter, was covered in flea bites and I was blamed for my 11 and a half year old dog. My dog was put to sleep 15 days ago due to bowel cancer. So when my daughter arrives at mine with flea bites again I knew it was not my home where she had got them from.
After attending the doctors on Saturday a referal was made to Doncaster Social Services out of hours team as the bruises were old. The OOH (out of hours) team asked me to attend Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) and I did on the Sunday. The appointment was set for 11am then it was changed to 2pm. By the time we got out of the hospital (me, My daughter and her step dad) it was past 6pm so we took her for a treat to McDonalds to perk her up. I didnt tell her she was going back to her carers after as she gets upset while travelling back. She sat on her booster seat and fell to sleep – I am trying to get a booster seat with a high back if anyone has one going cheap or free? as she likes to sleep in the car – The Social Worker has already told me We dont have a family car but a 2 seat car and that we transport my daughter on the floor! I have told the Social worker that when she gets to mine and my partner has his car on the drive I will personally show her how many seats we have and that I want an appology!!!
At the meeting yesterday I was accused of taking my daughter to too many medicals!!! 4 in 4 weeks??? I delved deeper and found out that I took her for 1 medical on my own initiative and that was on Saturday, Sunday the OOH asked me to take my daughter to a paediatrician, my daughters carer had taken her a few weeks back for a medical and I took her 6/2/10 for flea bites. How the beep is this 4 in 4 weeks???
The doc on Saturday said he was concerned about how I was speaking to my daughter … I asked her straight if it was her carer that had caused the bruises and she said she couldnt remember! Now im a bad mum for asking my daughter straight!

Now the Social Worker is trying to put words in my mouth saying I dont know how to speak to a 6 year old and that Im a bad mum! Well listen up Don’crap’ster SS … I am a fantastic mum, I am the one who saved my daughters life when she was in care with my constant kicking and screaming and my persistance to make sure my daughter was safe. Even the chair at the handover meeting expressed concerns that my daughter could have been a fatality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever checked out my aligations against the carer?????? NO!!!!!!!! that is because you are classing it as tittle tattle!!! Just because I am not under the Doncaster borough doesnt mean that you have to ignore my pleas to help my daughter … Is she gonna be child number 8 that you have let die???

My daughters Social Worker is getting better at calling me woooohoooo lmao!!! She doesnt take 4-9 days to return a call now she calls me … Only because i point blankly REFUSE to call her as I think she is INCOMPETENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Social Worker acctually had the cheek to ask the Core Group meeting if they should stop contact with me and my daughter!!!!!!! The 1-2-1 Support worker then said that I had worked extremely hard to make sure both my girls bonded and that my 6 year old loves my unborn baby! At least someone is taking note of the things im doing!!! The class teacher also pointed out that I had mentioned my daughter being bullied – my daughter is not one to be bullied she has witnessed alot of DV whilst in care and is more the purpetrator than the victim – I questioned the teacher who knew nothing about it but my daughter said she was been punched and nipped while on the carpet. Any mother in the right mind would ask for an extra eye to be kept on the situation as the school has a zero bullying policy! The carer said it was probably her bike that had caused the bruises … The SS are awaiting the paed’s report …

I want a full blown appology from my daughters SW as I feel she is trying to destroy my mental health and if i am diagnosed with depression again i will start heads rolling!!! It took me many years to get mentally stable again and some slack manipulative person (or 2) are not going to destroy it!!!

I will be requesting fir a different sw to come to my home to observe contact between me and my daughter regarding the S7 report as i dont want her normal sw in my house until I get a full appology!!!

Please look at the above link and also the below link.

Thank you to the Guardian for the publicity on the blogs

Soooo I havent blogged in a few weeks now but ive been dealing with serious issues … Including my daughters legal planning meeting being conveyed several days later than planned! AND they are still not removing my poor daughter!!! even though she is showing concerning behaviours such as growling at the SW and storming off, sat with her legs wide open showing her underwear and point blankly refusing to speak to the SW. The SW says she is a very stroppy child. Has the SW ever thought my daughter might not like her???

I got a panicy message on msn a few days ago from a friend who i had known for about 15 years. She has a 7 month old son and has had him ‘stolen’ by Don’crap’ster SS. She has always loved children and every time she sees me with my daughter she lights up and loves been around her (bearing in mind my daughter has interactional problems when she is in care and will hit and shout at people – but with me shes a whole different person). The mum in question has post natal depression (PND) the same as me when i had my daughter. main attibutes to PND are:

* Premature birth and thinking the child will die so not bonding,
* c-section birth – as the mum doesnt experience the real feeling of birth and is off her feet and resting in the first crutial days of the babies life,
* young age such as 16-18 years and immaturity,
* poor childhood relationship with their own mother,
* the list is endless but PND is very frequent and needs attention as soon as its spotted.

My friend, lets call her Miss C, suffered with PND and is trying to fight to get her son back. Only one assessment was done with her and the SW is not even reg on the GSCC website. Lies were fabricated such as when Miss C asked for help she was subjected to what criminals would call ‘normal’ interviews like those in police stations! Miss C had words put into her mouth and when asked about if she felt she posed any risk to the baby she said she was afraid she would lose her temper and hit the child (this is what most PND mums fear) and the SW put it in her report to say that the mother, Miss C, was hitting her child infront of her partner Mr W and that Mr W was not interviening. I firmly know that Miss C would not even try to hit her baby as she was asking me before he was born about how to do things right … Hitting a child does not do any good but stripping a childs privilidges (at a certain age) is a lot better. Miss C was so caught up in the PND that she went through 3 lots of antidepressants and didnt want to get out of bed in a morning. I have been there myself and she asked me what to do. I told her she needs to get herself mentally stable again before she even thinks of fighting for her son. The SS are refusing to give her unsupervised contact and refuse to let her have copies of the initial assessment which is against her human rights. Miss C and Mr W have both still got their PR and the SS are refusing to let them be a family. The SS have also refused to let MR W look after the baby and support his partner. Don’crap’ster SS have also not kept in contact regarding what is happening with her son and didnt even give her a telephone number to call, Miss C had tried calling the main switch board to be fobbed off and only knew their son was under the ‘urban team’ and disnt have a telephone number. I gave them the phone number and Miss C has spent days trying to contact them. (WELCOME TO MY WORLD! – I can not contact the SW for love nor money but i have not got a statement from the SW that she will return my calls lol – yup i kicked off)

The links i posted at first imply that since the government runs the SS that the SS are not corrupt and do not do anything wrong! Let me open your eyes a little more!

When I suffered from PND i was dragged through court and had no fight in me, the ss knew this and told me i could have my daughter back. When i arrived to the property to collect my daughter i was served with a court summons for 9 days time! I was banned from seeing my daughter when the guy who abused me as a child sent me messages saying he was all alone with my daughter and i called the police to remove her. The police couldnt remove her as a SW Corina Hayley of Wakefield (NO LONGER REG!!!) said that their was nothing wrong with the child even tho the school had made a referal about a 6 year old showing signs of sexual knowledge!!! I spent ages on the phone to social care direct and the SS did a drop visit and found the house unsuitable! They could not remove her until legal planning had been conveyed but they placed her on the at risk register! The carer has a residence order as i had the PND but the ss had to go to court to get the RO stripped and the child removed. They are Stupid RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it was not for me calling and expressing my concerns about my daughter then she had a high possibilty of being another Baby P (RIP lil angel at least your safe now!) Even Don’crap’ster SS admitted they were disappointed at wakefield for not conveying a legal planning meeting sooner! I filed a complaint to Wakefield SS and this was dealth with by Karen Fry (oh look another SW) the complaint got taken to a level 2 with an independant person who said it was way past a level 2 complaint and needed to be taken to a board of directors … Karen Fry then cancelled my complaint!!!

Karen if you read this i am going to file for your job dismissing due to incompetance and not acting upon a complaint. I will be speaking to the trading standards in regards to your letters and emails that you sent … Yes Karen, I kept each one and if you hack into my email account youll see they have been forwarded to several addresses for safe keeping!

I am not just a good mum I am a fantastic mum, just like many other who do these blogs and we WILL keep fighting for our children to keep them safe! If you dont like the blogs just return our children!

Many thanks for taking the time to read this. And if anyone in the press/media wants to talk about this comment and leave an email and ill get back to you ASAP.

As for you the scum of the UK SS … I dare you to try block me from blogging! I am an independant person who loves both her girls and i do not mention any Don’crap’ster SS names nor do i mention my daughter so i am not putting anyone at risk … Bring on May 18th when I find out when shes coming home 😀

Love ya’ll

(except the SS – you lot can fuck off and learn how to do your jobs!)

Wow! omg!! What retards! Why do Social Services think that they are gods? A legal planning meeting is been conveyed on Monday in Don’crap’ster for my 6 year old. She is suffering very badly and needs to be home safe ASAP. I spoke to her carer and even her carer didnt know anything about the meeting on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I advised the carer to play dumb and ill run about and get the information. Then both of us will turn up suited and booted and ready for arse kicking!!!!!!!!!! I have had Social Services involvement when I was a child so I know how crap they acctually are.

The reason I believe that DMBC havent mailed out the letters, neither have they informed us via phone of the proposed legal planning meeting is because they know that if we dont have proof for our solicitors we cant invite them. DIRTY LITTLE BASTARDS PLAYING CHILDISH GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When will they grow up? My daughters Social Worker has only been registered since July 2009!!! so she has 8 months experience and 100 days training and a rice paper (toilet roll) diploma! DMBC think she is fully qualified for the case … . I believe this is BULL SHIT! some of you will know to what extent my daughter has been neglected and fully agree with me not understanding why they have not removed her sooner!


What a shocking time! DMBC think that they can let a child who is already on the At Risk Register for neglect be subjected to more neglect. Not just neglect from the carer but from the Social Worker too. The DMBC SS must have their diplomas made from rice paper (the type you eat as a child). I wouldnt even wipe my backside on their diplomas. Most of the ‘Qualified Social Workers’ only have 100 days experience and a very high percentage do NOT have children of their own. I have had my eyes opened to a small extent of what the whole of the UK SS are like. I have seen children stolen for lies, children beaten in care, children being neglected in all possible ways of neglect. How many more children need to die before the SS pull their fingers out of their arses and realise that they are not helping to save families but to kill them!

I spoke to my daughters SW on friday at 8am (yes she acctually returned my call – only to give me grief as id left er a message late at night as i was concerned about my daughter). After giving a full explaination to the SW she called me back after a few hours and said she would visit my daughter at her school. I constantly called in the afternoon waiting for an outcome as my daughter is subject to a child protection plan while on the AR reg. (I am fighting for her to come home safe). The SW never answered her calls neither did she ring me back or leave an update in the office for me. I was told on Friday pm to call back monday morning. It would have been the longest weekend possible but im pissed off with them so its gonna be longer!

I got banned from seeing my daughter for the weekend as the carer was not happy with the aligations but they needed to be made aware of what was happening. The SW also told me they are starting legal planning on monday. I should have recieved a letter by now but havent. This is due to doncaster SS are manipulative little bastards who believe that since i will not be recieving the letter that i can not be legally represented. There is one thing that I have learnt in the last year or so of fighting the SS. This is: you can be your own legal rep as long as you have the knowledge. I will be calling the SS back on monday and asking wtf they are playing at not sending the letter! I will also be asking for all futher correspondence to be sent via recorded delivery.

Last weekend my daughter told me her carer was clearing out the spare room for when my baby is born. She can go get fucked! i will fight all the way to keep my unborn baby. SS will not be removing her and neither will my daughters carer!

to Don’crap’ster SS and to the carer I dedicate Lily Allens song of ‘Fuck you!’ and i sit singing Gabrialla Cilme’s Woman on a mission, changing the lyrics to mummy on a mission!


‘cos i am a mummy on a mission whoa!!! :D)

After chasing up with DMBC SS for several days I decided to speak to a manager to get an answer! I eventually got a call over a week later (9 days in total). The child in question is in ‘family’ care and is currently on the at risk register. The SW has started legal planning and never informed the mother of the child. She is currently going through court to have a residence order revoked so that she will know her daughter is safe from any kind of harm, physical, emotional and sexual.
She works VERY hard with her daughter to make sure shes fine and has sayings such as practice makes perfect for when the child gets frustrated and lose the attitude or lose the privilidges (self explanitory). She has enough problems when the child is returned from the family care into hers for weekend and holiday visits with getting her back into routines ect. Over the last few weeks (due to court) she – the mother- has suffered several false aligations such as flea bites have come from her house and bruises on her daughter have come from hers. The mother is standing strong and not letting the ‘family’ destroy her mental health as she suffered from severe post natal depression which resulted in the ‘family’ sucessfully being granted the residence order.

The super nanny style mum has worked with several children and gives advice out for parents whose children have behavioural problems from the parents splitting and works VERY well with them. I have known her to visit a friend and within a few weeks of working wih both mother and child that the child now has no dummy, sleeps in her own bed, gets herself dressed, eats all her food and listens to the mother. The mother said to the super nanny mum that she didnt have privilidges to strip but the SNM pointed out that privilidges can be a range from extra time in bath water to play or pudding after eating even if its just a yoghurt ….. Or fruit juice instead of water.

DMBC have a vengence out on the SNM as she had to put in a complaint to get anything acted on as the SW took 4 days to contact her regarding her daughters welfare. The SW when finally calling back stated that the SNM should not have questioned anything that her daughter had said. The SNM questioned one thing! and then was branded a bad mother by the SW. The SW only has 7 months experience as a SW and has never worked on a case with the severity of this one. The SNM also asked the SW how many children she had and the SW changed subject. I think she doesnt have any kids at all and likes her ‘manual’ diploma to say shes qualified to be a SW. SS should be run by parents for parents and then the corruptness will end!

My message for DMBC SS – Get your facts right before you start making aligations as I have handed some fantastic advice to the SNM – to record everything you say to her and yes as soon as you fuck up I will be posting it on the net! Get it sorted DMBC before you kill another child.


February 24, 2010

As a parent who had suffered as a child at the hands of the DMBC social services team and now have a child under them I would like to say a great big hello to all parents. You are not alone! Many other parents have had their children stolen by the social services. If you mean well for your children they will take them to be adopted but if you abuse your children they will not touch them for adoption.
If you have any questions please feel free to comment as I WILL be adding articals and personal experience on to my blog.

Bye for now!

f*** DMBC